How to process palm fruits locally: steps to process palm kernel

Have you ever wondered how to process palm fruits to get both palm oil or red oil and palm kernel locally? then here is exactly how to do it and it is exactly how people did it before the advent of palm processing machines, and so many people are still doing it, especially in some of the third world countries of the world.

Get the palm fruits boiled, put them into a mortal and smash them with pestle, wash and remove the fiber and kernel, boil it again after washing and the red oil will surface on the boiling pot.

If you are in this page, i know you are searching for how to process palm oil or palm fruits locally, then be my guest and follow me step by step as I explain in totality everything you need to know about processing palm fruits and palm kernel locally on your own.

Actually I feel excited teaching you this process, this is because I enjoy teaching this based on the fact that i have watched people do it and have done it on my own severally and got a good quality palm oil and kernel oil.

Some people might say, why should i try to process palm fruits on my own without machine, well the answer to this is, not everyone can afford palm processing machine, people that want to cook with raw palm oil need it, the palm oil or red oil processed manually has far more good taste compared to the one processed by machine, so here are the steps to do it locally and manually.

Step 1: I have talked about how to plant/ grow palm trees in the other page, Click here if you want to read it. After harvesting the palm trees and getting your palm fuits, you might want to process it locally on your own.

So the first step is to get the palm fruits, either you store them for a while so that they could soften and the fruits will come out easily from their hard and spine like shell or you cut the the shell to pieces carefully and store (avoid cutting the fruits). The reason for storing for a short while is to make the fruits easy to get or removed from their spine like shells as the shell can’t be processed together with the fruits.

Note – small amount of water could be sprayed on the palm fruits to quicken the process of softening from the shells.

Within 4 days or a week, the palm fruits will be free from their shells, then you will have to get the fruits out and put away the shells, although the shell has it’s small uses or importance, but am not going to discuss it in this article.

When the shells are out, then proceed to step 2.

Step 2: The step 2 is the preparation step. There are 2 ways of processing palm oil or palm fruits, the first is boiling and the second is non boiling method.

Boiling method: This method is the most popular method of processing palm fruits locally to get palm oil or red oil.
In this method, after getting the palm fruits, they are boiled very hard till the surface of the fruits start cracking, then they are taken to a mortar and smashed or pounded with pestle.

Non boiling method: This method is very rare, you can hardly see anybody doing this, unless by luck.
In this method, after getting the palm fruits, take them to the mortar raw and pound them with pestle.
The red oil produced by this method is very sweet and greatest among any cooking oil you can ever think of!.

Step 3: Start pounding them, if you are using the boil method, it is easier to pound and to know it is ready to start processing, the red surface of the palm fruits will separate totally from the the nuts ( kernel) and will produce thick red liquid substance with oil and fiber.

For the non boiled method, it is far more harder to pound as the fruits are still fresh and raw.
To know when they are ready, the red surface or skin of the palm fruits will separate from the nut, producing thick liquid red substances and oil with fiber.

Step 4: When you are through with the pounding, then start a large fire, place a pot on it.

For the non boiled method, remove the nuts from the rest, put the rest into the hot empty pot and fry, be turning it in the pot and in a short while, fresh red and clean oil will be coming out.

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When this happens, bring down the pot and filter it out on a clean container and put the pot back on fire to continue the process till the red oil stops coming out.

For the boiling method, after pounding, take them to a basin and fill the basin with water, press the palm fiber and nuts and wash them entirely, then put them away, at this juncture, your water will turn to thick red substance, take it to the pot and pour it in the pot, allow to boil very hard without covering it.

After 2 or 3 hours of steady boiling and with enough fire/heat, red oil will be floating on top of the pot and will entirely cover the pots surface, when this happens, know that it is ready to be filtered, bring down the pot, allow it to cool and use a container to collect the red oil on the surface of the pot.

When you are done with the processing, no Matter the method you used, they are all the same, but can only vary in taste, so if you want to store them, pour it into a bottle or a bucket or a plastic container and leave it there and it could stay like that for many years without getting spoiled or changing taste or colour.

After you are done with the palm oil processing, the next is to process the nuts ( palm kernel).

Palm kernel takes time to dry before it could be ready to process.

This is because it needs time to totally dry, if not when processing, it will break and the nuts smashed and wasted.

So it is good to after processing the palm fruits, getting your oil and removing the kernel, immediately spray the kernel on a large level surface where the sun could get to them.

Leave them there for a very long time, like for about 3 weeks or a month, by this time, they must have dried enough to be cracked and the nuts extracted from the shell.

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To crack them, get a hard rock that is not larger than 5 inches, crack them one after the other till you are through.

to process them and get palm kernel oil, place the nuts in an empty pot, and place on fire, keep turning them till they turn totally black and oil will come out, then filter the oil in a container and throw away the burnt kernels.


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